Category Archives: Results - Page 4

Results Round #2 SWVTA 2013

I can’t begin to properly express my gratitude for CTTA’s help to get our fledgling vintage club off the ground. This past weekend’s Summer series was great. The turnout wasn’t as big as Salado, but good enough. We could not have asked for better weather in mid August. I doubt it ever got above 90.

For the Vintage Trial, we had a total of 18 riders, 10 of those vintage, the rest support riders on modern bikes. Unfortunately, we had no entry’s in the Vintage Novice class. The largest class of vintage riders was the intermediate class with 6 riders, with Steve Elms riding both events, CTTA’s morning event and the SWVTA afternoon event. Hat’s off to Steve. The Intermediate class (the 2 line) finished with two riders tied for first with a “clean” trial. Marty Scott, on his TY250 and Tom Willis on his trusty ‘ol Monty 247. After a two section ride off on the “1” line in section 6, then section 3, Marty prevailed to take the gold.

The highly competitive “Expert” class riding the “1” line had 4 riders. Me on the TY175, Shawn Willis on his Fantic, the SWM mounted Adam Hall and last, but not least, Neil King on his Honda Reflex. The “1”line seemed challenging to all but Shawn. He finished the day with only 2 points dropped. Excellent ride, Shawn. The rest of us drug up the rear with Adam finishing 2nd with 9 points dropped, me with 10 points and Neil placing 4th with 14 points.

Read all of the results here

At the end of the day, I would have to consider it a huge success, which could not have happened without the help of Mark Hansen and Don Scott. I can not begin to express my gratitude to both of these guys. Thanks you again for taking time off from work to come out Friday to mark the loop and build the sections. I heard nothing but good things about them the whole day. THANKS!

And a very big “Thank You” to Mitch Ely of CTTA for staying for the vintage event to not only take care of sign in and scoring, but to help the cause by riding the Support Expert class.

Stephen Hetzel

Results – 2013 CTTA Summer Series Round #1

About 30 riders braved the heat today at Joe Miller’s for Round #1 of the CTTA’s 2013 Summer Series! It was a very warm day, but the sections, laid out by trials master BJ Miller, were quite fine and a lot of fun. There were even a couple of new sections to test everyone’s riding skills.

Results Round #1

A BIG Thanks! to Joe Miller for hosting Round 1. Thank You! And to BJ Miller for 6 fun sections – Thank You.  And to everyone that helped put on this event, especially Mitch Ely for running signup and scoring – Thank You.

Hope to see you next month at CTOR!

Results Rounds 7 & 8 of 2013 Texas State MotoTrials Championship

The results for Rounds 7 & 8 of the 2013 Texas State MotoTrials Championship are in courtesy of Mitch Ely. A GIANT THANKS! goes to the McMahan’s for hosting these rounds! A GREAT time was had by all. Sand, teetertoters and giant air logs made for some fun sections in Smithville. And I heard that no one needed to go hungry from the fabulous BBQ feast!

Results Round 7

Results Round 8

Congratulations to all of the 2013 Champions!

Results: Rounds 3 & 4 Texas State Trials Series 2013

Thanks to Trialsmaster’s Ray and Glenn Roblin and all with the NTTA that made Rounds 3 & 4 possible! Here are the Results from Muenster.

Results – Round 2 2013 TX State MotoTRIALS Championship

It was another beautiful day for trials at Emma Long. Trials Masters Neil King and Bobby Reece set 8 fun and challenging sections on the dry and loose caliche terrain that at times resembled riding on ball bearings. A BIG thanks to Mitch Ely for running the scoring table BOTH days! Here are the results for Round 2, courtesy of Mitch.

Hope to see you at Rounds 3 & 4 hosted by the NTTA at Muenster on March 16 & 17!

Results – Round 1 2013 TX State MotoTRIALS Championship

A turnout of about 60 riders at Emma Long Park in Austin got to enjoy some beautiful spring-like weather in February and some challenging sections!

Revised results courtesy of Mitch Ely

A BIG Thanks to Trials Masters Mark Seeley and BJ Miller! Thanks also to all of today’s (and tomorrow’s) judges!

2012 CTTA Summer Series Final Results

The 2012 Summer Series is in the bag. Round #1 was at CTOR, #2 at Joe Miller’s, #3 at The McMahan’s, #4 at the Harvest Classic Charity Trial at Luckenbach and #5 at The McMahan’s – a Big Thank You! to all of our hosts. We couldn’t do this without you! Another Big Thank You! to all of our Trials Masters: Jay Gasscock, Mark Martin, BJ Miller, Wayne McMahan, Don Hubbard, Bobby Reece and Ray Peters.

We also want to thank everyone that rode a Summer Series event in 2012. 98 riders rode at least one event and 11 rode all 5!

2012 CTTA Summer Series Class Champions are:
Rookie – Mike Cody
Novice – Jon Dalgleish
Vintage – Davis Wilson
Amateur – Daniel Hunt
Vintage Expert – Stephen Hetzel
Intermediate – Rick Shanks
Advanced – Bobby Reece
Expert – Jeff Mooney
Master – Ray Peters
Check out the Final Results for 2012!